Bean bags are an essential part of fun in our household. We love throwing them at each other, in baskets and behind furniture, unfortunately. For a long time now I've been thinking about bean bags with plastic pockets. This way I could use them as a learning tool as well as a source of fun. As a teacher I can't believe I didn't get my hands on some for my classroom. Imagine how much longer my students would have been focused and interested in learning the ABC's or numbers if we did so while throwing bean bags at each other while doing so.
While I will save the 'how to use these bean bags as a teaching aid' in future posts, today I will explain how to make one.
What you will need
- Plastic film often used for table cloths (you can buy this at a fabric store or at the hardware store. It comes on a roll)
- Non-stretch fabric pieces
- Rice or wheat to fill bean bags
- Thread
- Sewing machine
- Sewing pins
- Rotary cutter
- Cutting mat
- Ironing board and iron
How to make
First iron and then cut out your fabric. For each bean bag you will need two pieces of fabric cut at 6 inches by 4 inches. Then cut out your plastic film at 5 inches by 4 inches.
Arrange the plastic piece so it is aligned with the bottom and sides of the bean bag fabric. There will be an inch gap at the top which you want. Once you have done that put the other fabric piece on top, right side facing in. Pin in place and sew the three sides together leaving the top open. Snip the corners and turn the bean bag inside out.
Note: When turning the bean bag inside out place your thumb on the plastic bringing it towards the side you want it to be on. For example with this bean bag I wanted the pocket on the non-print fabric side. If you do this the plastic pocket will always show up on the side you want it.
Once you have turned it right side out, poke the corners with something to bring them completely out. Pour in some filling and turn the open end of the fabric in half an inch.
Sew together shut with the sewing machine or by hand and then you are finished! All you need to do now is print some pictures to put into the pockets, with which the possibilities are endless. Here I've put in some pictures of things so we can play an initial sound game.
I hope you've enjoyed the tutorial and as always happy playing!
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